Year 10: Computer Room Lesson - 21st May 2014
Hello Year 10, So, Click here to access the pro forma. You will need to download it and save it to your area. Using your notes, which you should have with you, you have this lesson to complete Paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of the pro forma. There will be a short amount of time available to complete paragraph 3 at the end of the summer term, but don't rely on it. 100-200 words per paragraph is fine. Quality not quantity. Don't go too mad. You may use the internet, but you are under controlled conditions in this lesson. You may not complete this outside of lesson time. If you do not finish, you will need to find time after school or at lunch, with me present. If you don't have your notes with you, tough. I have marked, commented on and returned everything you lot have given me. If you have changed your piece or haven't been organised enough to seek my advice, you still need to complete the form in this time. It is worth 10 marks. A mark scheme for your informatio...