Bobby, Bobby, Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.....

I thought this might be a good time to encourage you to do a bit of preparing for the first rehearsal, as it might make things a little bit easier if you've opened your scores in advance!

I would like to have a go at the Overture (no. 1) and Company (no. 2). It would be a good idea to familiarise yourselves with the music, mainly by doing the following:

  • Find a recording or YouTube extract of both of them (there is definitely a video of the 2nd number in a previous posting), listen to them as well as following the score. The recording I have is the 1996 London Cast Recording (see above picture).
  • Using a pencil (soft HB is best, as you will have to rub out your own markings when you return the scores), just underline your character where it appears on the score. As you'll see, for Company, this is quite complicated as your character will transfer from line to line.

That's all you need to do! Don't worry about learning any notes etc, we will do this in the first rehearsal. Please bring a pencil too.

There's a lot of hard work to be done, but I know that we will all enjoy it and it will certainly be worth it!

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