Year 10 GCSE Homework Thu 8/10/09

I'm so sorry to have missed all your lessons this week.

Please do some research into the following:

· The origins of waltz (where, when)
· The type of people who would have danced it
· The musical characteristics of the waltz (structure, tempo, metre, rhythm, melody, instrumentation..)
· The venues and occasions in which the music was performed – di dthe venue have an impact on performance?
· Names of composers and performers of the music

Make sure you use the internet to help you - don't just use the hand out you were given in lessons. You can write something, do something on powerpoint or nice handout with pictures. You won’t have to present it to anyone – just hand it in to me. Please be as detailed as you can.
Due: Tuesday 13th October 2009.

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