Year 10: Final hours of Controlled assessment

Below are you final hours of controlled assessment in lesson time:

Wed 7th July
Thursday 8th July
Tuesday 13th July* (16)
Wednesday 14th July* (49)
Tuesday 20th July* (16)
Wednesday 21st July* (49)

*a computer room will be available

In addition to this time, you are entitled to two extra hours, which I will offer after school. I will offer 4 hours after school so that if you have missed any lessons, you can make up time here. Each after school session has to start promptly at 3.30pm.

Monday 12th July (2 hours)
Friday 16th July (2 hours)

In this time you should have completed the following:
1) Recorded performance 1
2) Completed Composition 1
3) Started and completed paragraph 3 of your appraisal (appraising your performance)
4) Typed up all of your appraisal using the appraisal pro-forma, which can be found in the Pupil Area
5) Recorded your composition, if you have time (this is advisable to avoid faff in September)

Please organise yourselves so that you do this all in good time.

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