Year 11 B352 Controlled Assessment Dates

Here are the dates for the final leg of the controlled assessment, Composition 2. We will sort out use of computers during the lesson and I will blog this separately. Don't forget about the additional catch-up sessions for the B351 write-ups in the blog post below as well.

Tuesday 11th January

Thursday 13th January

Tuesday 18th January

Wednesday 19th January (due to CED the following day)

Tuesday 25th January

Thursday 27th January

Tuesday 1st February

Thursday 3rd February

Tuesday 8th February

Thursday 10th February

Tuesday 15th February

Wednesday 16th February (same day as St Peter's, but due to House Day the following day)


Tuesday 1st March

Thursday 3rd March

Wednesday 9th March (Room 10)

Thursday 10th March (Room 10)

Tuesday 15th March (Room 10)

Wednesday 16th March (Room 10)

Extra hours if you need will be available after school on:

Tuesday 22nd March until 5pm

Thursday 24th March until 5pm

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