AS and A2 Deadlines

AS Music: Composing
This deadline should not be a problem because you should be completing your work each week in controlled coursework sessions. Jack, Shoked and Ben Jones, you must ensure that you get in your 15 hours before the deadline - you have had nearly all term so it shouldn't have been a problem if you have been going each week. Here are the deadlines for your compositions (it is down to you to take responsibility for your 15 hours):

Tuesday 5th April: You must hand in your composition and recording (this is not included in your 15 hours) by 3.30pm to Miss Doan

Thursday 7th April: In this lesson you will write up your answers to the questions relating to your composition.

A2: Harmony and Composing
Wednesday 30th March: All harmony extracts due in to Miss Doan and composing due in to Mrs Paul.

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