Year 11: Tuesday 15th March 2011

As I am away, I would like you to do the following in this lesson once you are settled in Room 10.

You must either 1) continue with your composing or 2) write up your log (this is for people who have finished composing).

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT TODAY AND TOMORROW ARE YOUR FINAL SESSIONS IN LESSON TIME. After school sessions will be provided on Tuesday 22nd March and Thursday 24th March until 5.30pm. These sessions are for you to finish your composing or logs/evaluations.

If you are ready to write up your brief, logs and evaluations, log onto the Pupil Area and in the Area of Study 1 folder, you will find the pro-forma for B352 Log and Evaluation. Make sure you save the file to your own area. You may only write up your brief and log today. Don't forget you wrote your brief earlier in the term. Please delete my red comments when you have finished. Please make sure you give musical reasons for your decisions. I have given you the dates of your controlled assessment sessions, but am aware that a few of you were away for some sessions but we can sort that on Wednesday.

If you have finished your composition, please print it off and put it in your yellow folder, the same goes for your appraisals from B351 if you haven't printed them off.

You can then complete your evaluations on Wednesday under my supervision!

Please come and talk to me if you are unsure of anything.

Wednesday's lesson will also be in Room 10. See you then!

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