Year 12: Concerto for Double String Orchestra (Tippett)

Your task is to research and give a presentation on the key features of Tippett's the 1st movement of Concerto for Double String Orchestra.

You will work in pairs and after a short introduction from me, you will only be able to ask me or Mr Guinane 5 questions between us (per pair). Each pair will be assigned an element to present. Whilst this should be your focus, you will be more than aware that all of them overlap so you will probably need to mention other elements in your presentation.

Your presentation should bear in mind that a typical essay question could be something like "Describe the key features of neo-classicism in the 1st movement of the Concerto for Double String Orchestra".

Here are your pairs:
Ben W & Jack - harmony and tonality
Rachel & Shoked - rhythm/metre
Phoebe & Ben J - Texture
Franki & Matthew - Structure

More details in tomorrow's lesson. See you then with your homework!

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