Year 11, 12 and 13: Summer Term commitments

To all 6th formers and Year 11: As you know, you are an integral part of the Music Department and we expect you to stay involved during exam leave. However, we both understand that you are very busy revising and taking exams so this is what we expect you to attend throughout your exam leave through to the concert:
  • Orchestra
  • Vocal Ensemble
  • Big Band
If you are able to make it to Concert Band and Choir, then it would be lovely to see you, but there is no obligation to do so. If you are unable to make a rehearsal for any reason (including an exam), please let the relevant teacher know in advance - you can email us on or tweet @BeaumontMusic.

The Summer Concert is on Wednesday 13th July 2011, not Thursday 14th, as previously advertised. Year 13s, I will speak to you about solos/ensembles etc. Please let us know asap if you are unable to make it.

We're sure that you'll find it quite nice to come into school for rehearsals - it does break up the day for you.

If you are coming into school especially for before or after school rehearsals (i.e no revision sessions), you do not need to wear uniform. If you come in at lunchtimes or music lessons during the day, you must wear uniform please.

Here's to a fabulous Summer Term.

Miss Doan and Mr Guinane

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