Do you want to sing as part of London 2012's Cultural Olympiad?

Youth Music Voices is a major new project providing those aged 16-21 (on January 1, 2012) with the opportunity to join in and celebrate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games through singing.

120 young people from the broadest cultural mix across the UK are working together as the Youth Music Voices Ensemble – a youth vocal ensemble unlike any other in the UK. Click here to see more details about the project and to view some videos of previous projects.

Angie Gilby at the Herts Music Service has been asked to nominate singers to audition for this exciting opportunity, and she in turn, has asked me to consider who might like to apply for this. Some of you will be receiving an email about this tomorrow but I don't have everyone's email addresses. If you think you are interested, please email me on the Beaumont Music address by the end of the week.

The commitment is big - so please read the documents here which outlines them. The project summary can also be found here.

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