Non-stop Schubert on BBC Radio 3

From 4.30pm tomorrow (Friday 23rd March), BBC Radio 3 will be playing nothing but continuous Schubert for eight days, until Saturday 31st March.  The Spirit of Schubert Season will explore various aspects of his life and the marathon kicks off with a gorgeous Lieder recital live from Kings Place.  This is the perfect opportunity for you to listen to gorgeous music and learn more about Schubert's life and Vienna. For AS and A2, this is a must and for GCSE, you need to listen to as many Lieder as possible (and why not, what an art form!). Click here to find out more from Radio 3.

On a more frivolous note, you can now find Schubert on Twitter by clicking here.  You can tweet him and ask him questions about Der Erlkoenig and much more.  Poor old Beethoven is getting a bit jealous of Radio 3's Schubert season, but if you get involved, remind him that he had his dedication seven years ago...

Finally, the Spirit of Schubert season can be followed on tumblr by clicking here.  Don't tell me that dead composers don't know how to use social media networks...


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