Year 11, 12 and 13 Controlled Assessment submissions

Read very carefully please!

Year 11
This week you will finish your logs and evaluations in lessons. If you need more time, you must come on Thursday after school - this is your last opportunity.

When you are done, please email all your work to:
You must email the following:
1) B351 Performance Appraisal
2) Composition 1
3) Composition 2
4) B352 Log and Evaluation

This must be done by Thursday 4.30pm but preferably at the end of Wednesday's lesson.

Year 12
Please email me your completed compositions to
You must now answer your sleeve note questions. This can be done in rough but needs to be handed in by Friday 30th April so that we can mark it over the holidays.

Year 13
Please liaise with Miss Stothard at Sandringham for your deadlines.
Nearly there, gang. Well done.

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