Christmas Concert Rehearsal Schedule

Please be on the ball for Monday 3rd and spread the word:

Break:        String Group (Concert Band come and set up)
Lesson 4:   Concert Band then Clarinet Ensemble
Lesson 5:   Orchestra then Wind Ensemble
Lunchtime: Vocal Ensemble
Lesson 6:   Big Band then Male Voice Choir
Lesson 7:   Choir then Year 12 Choir

You are required to sign into the Music Department by 6.30pm.
Concert starts at 7pm. Tickets are £4/2, available on the door.

Concert dress is SMART all black or black and white*, BLACK SHOES or full winter uniform.  You may decorate your instrument with christmassy things (be tasteful...?).

*Girls, please wear skirts or trousers, NOT leggings or skinny jeans.

See Miss Doan or Mr Guinane if you have any (quality) questions.

It's going to be FAB.

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