EPAM Artists Concert on Thursday

The score to John Four2 has arrived, ready for Thursday.  Please come and collect it on Monday.  The recording of it below will only make sense if you have the score in front of you so make sure you can find a bit of time just to work out what on earth is going on.

It's a busy week for the Vocal Ensemble this week.  For Thursday's rehearsal, please bring ALL of your music. We will top and tail the Finzi and the Britten, go over Shenandoah and sink our teeth into the Christmas music.  Candelight Carol should only need topping and tailing too and I want to look at the Mendelssohn next.  Please have a look at your music and just listen to the playlist too.

Please can you make sure you bring reply slips in for Thursday too.

Keep up the good work!

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