Carol Service: Wednesday 19th December

Please read below and ensure you are organised:

Wednesday 19th December

1220  Meet in the Music Department
1230  Leave for St Peter's Church.  Please ensure you have a PACKED LUNCH
1300  Rehearsal for service
1515  Leave St Peter's to return for school. If you are in Years 7-11 and would like to be dismissed from the church, you must bring a note to show us on the day.

1830  Meet at the East End of St Peter's Church. 

Years 7-11 must wear FULL WINTER UNIFORM, 6th form please wear SMART ALL BLACK.  Please ensure your choir books.

1900  Service starts.  Entry is free with a retiring collection for Grove House
2000  Approximate finishing time of the service

Mulled wine and mince pies (donation £1) will be served by the BSA in the Octagon Room (at the back of the church) and Heaven is a Cupcake will also be selling Christmassy cupcakes too.

It's going to be lovely, but please keep working hard, and make sure you go over your music.

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