Big Band: Dates and Information

Dear Big Band,

Unfortunately I will not be in this Thursday so Big Band will not run.

Some dates for your diary:

Tues 26th March: Easter Concert (for everyone!). We will be performing Old Devil Moon.

Sat 8th June: Beaumont 7th Anniversary Ball (rehearsal and performance times tbc)


We have been selected to appear in the final of St. Albans Young Musician 2013. This is exciting.

The final takes place on Sunday 28th April, at St. Albans Cathedral, at around 1pm. We will be performing L'il Darlin' aka Ed Calvert plays the Jazz Bassoon.

I will give you more information nearer the time, but if you cannot make this date please come and see me as soon as possible.

Please expect a letter detailing both of these events to come your way very soon.

All the best,

Mr Guinane

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