Instrumental Lesons: Information for students

Dear all,

A few reminders ahead of the start of term about instrumental lessons. This blog post is aimed at Year 7s taking instrumental lessons and anyone who has forgotten this information.

1. Lesson times can be found on the two boards in the music block. Check the day, and time and make a note of it somewhere.

2. If your instrumental lesson takes place during a normal school lesson, just raise your hand 5mins before your lesson starts and politely ask the teacher to leave (and explain why).

3. If you cannot make a lesson for whatever reason, be organised and tell your teacher asap. If you cannot find your teacher, let Mr Guinane or Miss Beaton know and they will see what they can do. Do not simply fail to turn up.

4. If you forget your instrument, go to your lesson anyway. Your teacher may have one you can borrow or they will do some theory work with you.

Managing your lessons is your responsibility. Take ownership and make the most of the opportunity you have to learn an instrument at Beaumont.

Any quality questions, ask Mr Guinane


PS Do some practice!

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