Year 11: Composition and Performance 1 Pro Forma

Dear Year 11,

Today you will be finalising the pro forma that goes with your first performance and composition.

You have already filled in 3 of the 4 boxes. The file should be on your area, named B351 Commentary Pro Forma or similar. Blank copies can be found here.

The final box asks you to comment on your performance. Follow the guidelines and my advice to fill it in. Aim for 100 words, but more is fine.

Click here to access recordings of your performances. You will need them to fill in the final box. Download and save them to your area. Listen to your own only please, be considerate.

Once you have filled in this box, check over the commentary as a whole. It is worth 10 marks. It does not matter if your brief bears no relation to your final composition, do not change it now!

Once you are happy please email the document to Please make sure your name is in the subject line (I will hopefully receive 27 emails this lesson).

For the remainder of this lesson, use the time to finalise any coursework prior to tomorrow's deadline, or visit one of the following websites: - useful - also useful - very useful - not so useful, but interesting

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