Year 11: Controlled Coursework Paperwork

Dear Year 11,

A run-down of what is required from me in terms of paperwork (save it all to your own area):

B351: Performance 1 and Composition 1

Here is the pro-forma, but the majority of you should have already completed this. It is, in terms of paragraphs:

- a description of your first performance piece
- the stylistic features involved
- an evaluation of how your performance went (you must update this if you have re-recorded)
- a brief for your composition (it doesn't matter if you composition ended up completely different)

The most important thing is that this document relates to the piece you want me to use as your solo performance.

B352: Composition 2

This is the new one. Here is the pro-forma. It consists of, in terms of paragraphs:

- initial ideas (approx. 100 words)
- your log (a short paragraph per hour/week is fine)
- an evaluation of your piece (what worked/how successful is it/any less convincing parts/strengths/weaknesses etc.) (again, approx. 100 words)

A very good example of this document can be found here.

Email it to me when you are done.

Get on with it. You really don't want to be doing these outside of lesson times, save that for finishing your composition.

Mr Guinane

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