Vocal Ensemble and Training Ensemble Auditions 2016-17

Dear all,

Auditions for our two chamber choirs will take place after school on Wednesday 20th July.

Please sign up on the door outside of the Music Office. You need only put down your name.

You will be asked to sing the soprano line (tune) of Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart. The music can be found here, as well as in Ms Doan's red pigeon hole (outside the Music Office) from next week.

We are looking for a clear tone, accuracy of pitch and rhythm, and musicality. Pronunciation of Latin is not the most important thing.

You will audition once, and should you be successful, we will place you in the appropriate ensemble.

Vocal Ensemble rehearsals take place after school on Wednesdays, and Training Ensemble rehearsals at lunchtime on Wednesdays. Should you be offered a place, you will be expected to attend all rehearsals, as well as continuing to be a member of the main choir.

We would encourage all students interested in singing to audition. Please do not be intimidated by the high standards of both ensembles, we are looking for singers with potential that we can develop.

Any questions, please ask.

Ms Doan and Mr Guinane

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