Year 10: The Fast Approaching Coursework Deadline

Some reminders:

The deadline for your first round of coursework is Wednesday 16th July 2014, 3.25pm.

You will not be able to work on your compositions after school on the Wednesday.

You will need to hand in:

- A recording of your first performance
- The commentary document for your first performance (remember this blog post?)
- A recording of your first composition
- A score (of some kind) of your first composition

Sibelius: The current Sibelius situation is that it is working.
If it doesn't, and that is the reason you miss the deadline, you will not be penalised.

Lesson times remaining:

Weds 9th July P5
Fri 11th July Ps1&2
Weds 16th July P5 (you will be in Room 10)

plus any time at lunch or after school you choose.

Talk to me if you have any problems. Don't miss the deadline.

Mr Guinane

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