Arts Award Review: Heather Magee

On the 14th of March 2015, I went with my sister, my mum and a friend to the Globe Theatre in London to see a production of Shakespeare's Othello.  The show itself was spectacular.  There was live music and instruments playing throughout the play.  I found it amazing how the actors flew down on zip wires.  I think I understood the storyline and found it tragic at the end when Othello realised that Desdemona was innocent and that he had given in to jealousy.  The performance also had a dance at the end.  It was a slow tango which changed into a jive.  The acting really impressed me.  Iago's facial expressions worked well because they shoed the audience that he was not a good person.  They used props very effectively to show what the scene was about.  Overall, I thought it was amazing and I would love to go back to the beautiful Globe theatre.  I have told all my friends how great it was and I have encouraged them to go and see a play there.

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