Arts Award Review: Mattie Watson

Shaun in the City

Shaun in the City is an street art trail across London. There were 50 giant Shaun the Sheep sculptures, created by artists, designers and celebrities, placed across London. I went up to London to see them and to take pictures of them

I went to see the Shaun the Sheep street art in London. It is a trail of huge Shaun the Sheep models that are designed by not only well known designers but less know designers. Some of the better knows designer are Zandra Rhodes a famous fashion designer. We decided to take pictures of each of them. Some were easier than others to find. Some were easier than others to take pictures of because of all of the other people who were looking at them, particularly the ones on the South Bank of the Thames where there were lots of tourists. I thought it was good because the artwork was colourful and different in every case even thought they were all just versions of Shaun the Sheep. My favourite was the Zandra Rhodes one because it was a very striking pink colour and so looked really dramatic in the middle of just a regular shopping centre. 

Personal Reflection and Impact on Me
I took away from this that art can come in all shapes and sizes, and in all sorts of locations including a busy city centre. Looking back on it I thought that artwork like this should be more widespread. The impact on me is that I now think that there should be more art in random places, with trails like this to get people interested in all different types of arts from a young age. I also took away that this was a great way to showcase different styles of work and a way for lesser know artists to have their work shown in public in a much larger scale since the people come to see the well-known artists, then follow the trail and get to see art they would not normally have gone to see. I also think that places like the shopping centre that had two Shauns in should sponsor more art like this as it is an effective way to bring in more potential customers.  

I would recommend it because it was a fun day out and as well as seeing the artworks it was a good way of encouraging people to go an explore parts of London that they might otherwise not see. All of the sheep will be in Covent Garden from 24th to 27th September 2015 and will then be sold for charity at an auction for the Wallace and Gromit Children's Hospital Charity. I think that raising money for charity through art like this is a good idea because people both can enjoy the art and can do their bit for charity.

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