Soundation: Year 8


Once you are logged in...

1. Get a username and password slip from your teacher.

2. Click here to access the software.

3. Select your username from the drop-down menu, and enter your password. You must always use this username.

4. Have a play with the software.

Try to use loops that match, and work together.

Remember, there are two types of track in Soundation:

Audio tracks, used to play pre-made loops, that you drag and drop from the right hand side. They look like this:

To create your own music, use the note tracks. Double-click in the space to the right of the track to bring up a keyboard. Use the pen to add your own notes. These tracks look like this:

We will go through more features of Soundation as the lessons progress.

Save your work regularly. Lots of people will use the same account, so name your work clearly.

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