Tuesday Tunes - 25/04/17

Beaumont Music Department presents Tuesday Tunes; weekly recommendations for all audiences, curated by the Beaumont Music staff.

Recommendations for this week:

Ron Carter - So What (Album)

'So What' is most commonly associated with the great Miles Davis. Here is it the opening track on this (slightly) obscure jazz trio album. Ron Carter is an exceptional bass player who elevates the instrument to a true vehicle for jazz improvisation. Enjoy this record.

- Mr. G

Prelude on Rhosymedre by Ralph Vaughan Williams

Sometimes it's the lesser known works which you hold dearly. I came across this prelude on a Welsh hymn when I was in Year 10. My music teacher was Welsh and loved finding arrangements of the music of his homeland. We performed this in our school orchestra and I instantly loved it. It's probably the emergence of a slow hymn tune from a larger texture which I really love.  Originally an organ piece, here is the work as arranged for a string orchestra. Enjoy.

Ms D

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