Tuesday Tunes 16/05/17

Beaumont Music Department presents Tuesday Tunes; weekly recommendations for all audiences, curated by the Beaumont Music staff.

Recommendations for this week:

NMC Recordings is a fantastic label for new music. I just stumbled across this album while working (I found it on a Spotify playlist curated by composer Anna Meredith). The disc is full of variety; there is something for everyone. The title takes you to the Spotify album, and the link below takes you to the album's page on the label's website.

- Mr G

I'm playing in a really lovely concert on Saturday. You should all come. If you are in Year 10 or 11, you have no excuse really. Difficult to pick a highlight from the programme for me, but I shall go for Beethoven's 2nd Piano Concerto in B flat Major. The conductor and soloist here is the renowned Daniel Barenboim:

- Ms D

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