
Showing posts from June, 2009

A2 work set Fri 26/06/09

Please listen to Gretchen am Spinnrade and An die Musik (possibly one of my most favourite Lied of all time) and make notes on Schubert's word-setting, harmony etc etc. Use the sub-headings we have been discussing. Don't forget this is in your Spotify playlist. See previous postings if you haven't downloaded it yet. This will be the focus of Friday 3rd July's lesson so please make sure you complete this in enough detail. The translations of these two songs have been shared with you over Google Docs, but you can click here to go to it.

A2 Homework set on 23/06/09

Essay title: "Comment on Schubert's interpretation of the text of Erlkönig . Include examples of word-setting, tonality, use of piano accompaniment and any other notable features." Due in by Wednesday 1st July by hand, e-mail or Google Docs. Enjoy!

A2 Analysing Vocal Music: an introduction

Click here to download the playlist used in this lesson. As requested in a previous email, you should have downloaded Spotify so I can share playlists with you. If you have not done this yet, please click here . Below is the Powerpoint presentation from today's lesson. Your homework is to go through the headings on each slide and find examples of them from Erlkoenig. For example, you can split up the use of word setting into the different characters, as we did in the lesson. This work is due in on Tuesday 23rd June . Welcome back! Analysing And Understanding Vocal Music Intro (Schubert) View more OpenOffice presentations from hanhdoan .

Honk! Rehearsal schedule until the show

Honk! Rehearsal Schedule until THE SHOW. Monday 1st June Act II Scene 1 (Old Woman, Queenie, Lowbutt , Jackdaw, Ida, Cat) Tuesday 2 nd June Full Cast Act II, Scene 3 Wednesday 3rd June Act II, Scene 2, Drake and Ducklings ( ZSh ) Ida – singing etc ( HDo ) Friday 5 th June Warts and All: dancers (8 frogs, Bullfrog and Ugly) CED WEEK (please check below) Tuesday 9 th June Act I blocking etc: Luke, Emma and Izzy ( ZSh ) Jamie R and James B working with Wil Pate Wednesday 10 th June Luke to work with Wil Pate Tuesday 16 th June FULL CAST Singing Act II, Scene 5 Wednesday 17 th June FULL CAST Block Act II, Scene 5 Friday 19 th June FULL CAST Dance call for Hold your head up High Monday 22 nd June FULL CAST Act II, Scene 6 Wednesday 24 th June FULL CAST: RUN ACT II!! Friday 26 th June FULL CAST DANCE Thursday 2 nd July FULL CAST EXITS AND ENTRANCES Friday 3rd July FULL CAST: dance polish Tuesday 7 th July FULL CAST Wednesday 8 th July FULL CAST SING THROUGH WIT...