Someone is waiting...

...for your reply slip and payment for the trip to see Company on Friday 20th June 2008. You should have all received a letter so if you haven't already, please put your slips and money in the relevant box outside the Finance Office. ASAP please.
OK, now for the really important information (all the information I give is important, of course):
The first set of rehearsals will be during 6th Form Conference Week. These are the dates on which I plan to hold rehearsals:
  • Tuesday 1st July 2008 - Lunchtime & after school (until 4.30pm)
  • Wednesday 2nd July 2008 - Lunchtime & after school (until 4.30pm)

As there should be 100% attendance here, I want to have a go at the opening number! How exciting! Please e-mail me if you don't think you can attend these rehearsals.

Also, we would like to rehearse on the first two days of the holidays:

  • Monday 21st July 2008: 10am - 3pm.
  • Tuesday 22nd July 2008: 10am - 3pm.

Please let me or Miss Shepherd know whether you can make this or not.

The meal will be sorted by Izzie, but we'll find a time when we're ALL here!

Can't wait!

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