Year 12 Homework

Jazz Homework
Read over all that we have learned today (Tue 19th Jan) so that you can familiarise yourself with all of the content etc.
Classical Homework
Outline the circumstances surrounding the composition and performance of Mozart’s Concerto for clarinet and orchestra.
What should you include?
· When and where the concerto was composed;
· on what sort of occasion it was first performed;
· the nature of the instrument and the performer for whom the concerto was written.
To get into the top brackets, you should include in your answer:· The nature of Viennese musical life and Mozart’s status within this;· the novelty of the clarinet as an orchestral and/or solo instrument;· Mozart’s enthusiasm for the instrument.

Use the handouts I gave you, along with the information you have gained about Anton Stadler etc. Don't forget, it's all about supporting your answer with detailed examples. This means you might actually have to do some....WIDER READING!! Please avoid using Wikipedia as your main source of information - use the online Grove Dictionary of Music (link on the side).
Book suggestions for this can be found at a previous blog posting here.

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