Year 10: South Bank Centre CED
For the 3rd time in three days some of you will be returning to the South Bank but this time for a Gamelan workshop!
Here are the plans:
0830 Register and assemble in Room 30
0840 Classroom session 1
1000 Breaktime
1015 Classroom session 2
1130 Leave for St Albans Station by minibus
1330 Gamelan Introductory workshop at the Royal Festival Hall
1530 Workshop finishes
1630 Approximate arrival at St Albans Station - please be collected from here
Please bring a packed lunch!
See you tomorrow in your school uniform.
Here are the plans:
0830 Register and assemble in Room 30
0840 Classroom session 1
1000 Breaktime
1015 Classroom session 2
1130 Leave for St Albans Station by minibus
1330 Gamelan Introductory workshop at the Royal Festival Hall
1530 Workshop finishes
1630 Approximate arrival at St Albans Station - please be collected from here
Please bring a packed lunch!
See you tomorrow in your school uniform.