Exam Week Information: Years 7, 8 and 10
Please find below some information about Music exams during exam week:
Year 7
Your exam will be mainly listening based, with a short written element. You will be asked about:
Year 7
Your exam will be mainly listening based, with a short written element. You will be asked about:
- Instruments of the Orchestra
- Samba
- Fanfares
- General listening/musicianship
Year 8
Your exam will be mainly listening based, with a short written element. You will be asked about:
- Riffs
- The Blues
- Folk Music
- New Directions (Terry Riley's 'In C' and Steve Reich's 'Clapping Music')
Year 10
Your exam will be a shortened version of a GCSE listening exam. Topics will include Areas of Study we have looked at since the start of the course.
How to revise?
Listen to music! Links to Spotify playlists for certain topics can be found below:
For GCSE students, you know what is going on. See us for help with revision.
Any questions please ask, and best of luck for exam week.
Mr Guinane