Hi Year 11, Please keep checking back as I fill this out: Naomi Baker: Please record in your lesson on Wednesday 12th March, see me to discuss this Sidney Brass: Hannah Brown: Please record in your lesson on Tuesday 18th March, see me to discuss this Sarah Chamberlain: Tuesday 4th March, 1100 (During Clarinet lesson) Tom Cunliffe: Elise Cutforth: Ollie Davies: St. Peter's 12th Feb Tom Dawes: Tuesday 1st March, 1330, Room 30 Ed Etheridge: Wednesday 12th March, please arrange a lesson in either period 6 or 7 with Mr Bitelli and let me know Jack Gentle: Alistair Gibbons: Tuesday 4th March, 1130 (During Clarinet lesson) Emma Goodyear: Friday 21st March, Room 30, 1330 Cameron Halsall: Monday 24th March, break time Alice Hancock: Matt Hill: Monday 17th March, please arrange a lesson in either period 2 or 5 with Mr Butler and let me know Megan Hodges: Friday 21st March, Room 30, 1330 Tom Holmes: Friday 7th March, Room 30, 1330 Josh Howell: Thursday 20...