Beauty and the Beast: Information for the band

This post applies to members of the Beauty and the Beast band (most of you know who you are).

Thanks for agreeing to play with the Beauty and the Beast Band. It will be an amazing show!


Weds 21st Jan - 7pm
Thurs 22nd Jan - 7pm

Sat 24th Jan - Matinee and 7pm (two shows)


Please make every effort to attend rehearsals. If you cannot, please talk to me.

The after school rehearsals are the most important. The technical and dress rehearsals are essential.

Weds 7th Jan - lunchtime

Mon 12th Jan - 3.30pm-5pm

Tues 13th Jan - lunchtime

Weds 14th Jan - lunchtime

Sat 17th Jan - technical rehearsal - band from 12.15pm-4pm

Tues 20th Jan - dress rehearsal - from 8.30am-12.50pm (note change of time)

Please let me know asap which rehearsals you can and can’t make.

Show dress: 

Ladies and Gents: smart all black.

Thanks again,

Mr Guinane

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