Year 11: Mock Exam Study Leave
Dear Year 11,
We wish you the very best of luck during study leave.
Please feel free to continue to attend rehearsals throughout study leave. As we prepare for the concert, younger students look to you as role models, and you have a huge impact on the quality of our ensembles.
We expect full attendance at Vocal Ensemble, Big Band, and Orchestra throughout study leave.
Should you be unable to attend a rehearsal due to an exam, please let us know.
Any questions, please ask.
We wish you the very best of luck during study leave.
Please feel free to continue to attend rehearsals throughout study leave. As we prepare for the concert, younger students look to you as role models, and you have a huge impact on the quality of our ensembles.
We expect full attendance at Vocal Ensemble, Big Band, and Orchestra throughout study leave.
Should you be unable to attend a rehearsal due to an exam, please let us know.
Any questions, please ask.